Byte offers the most up to date, secure and easy to use Digital Signatures in Greece. Is registered in ΕΕΤΤ as a Trusted Service Provider for Qualified Signatures/Seals. Byte has invested 3 million euros to create the most secure and technological advanced infrastructure for the Trust Center, which has been certified by Ernst and Young, Grant Thornton, ezu and complying to the Regulation EU 910/2014 for qualified certificate for electronic signatures and seals as well as electronic time stamps.

ΒΥΤΕ Computer S.A. is registered in the European Union List of eIDAS Trusted Lists (LOTL).
You can visit the EU web page by clicking on the following link:

Service status

  • Byte’s Public Key infrastructure services where not available from 14/10/2024 03:50 to 14/10/2024 16:20.
  • Byte’s Public Key infrastructure services will be unavailable from 21/02/2025 19:30 to 22/02/2025 00:30.